A tuition reimbursement program

Topes supports the high-school
expenses for their children of the employees.

Accident Insuracne

Topes takes out the private insurance for the employees, in available in every accidents including the industrial accident compensation insurance in the ITS industry.

Education supports

For self-improvement and in aspect of life
long program, Topes gives the employees as
an opportunity as time including education reimbursement program.

A good rewards to the offer

To the employees with superior grades of suggestions, Topes gives them a reward as soon as they are on their proposal.

Celebrations for the birthday employees

Celebrating their birthday, Topes gives the gift tickets for those employees.

Operation of corporate library

Running the corporate library, It is used in help their self-improvement and leisure.

Meeting with directors

While answering questions after an
regular meeting or under the needs,
Improves the welfare of the employees.

Supports for every kinds of chorus like sports and leisure

Topes supports the expenses to the employees, activating their sports and leisure.

Taking good care of employees’ family events

Topes contributes the welfare-improvement
to the employees, providing the expenses and a few of holidays for congratulations
and condolences


Topes can assure the employees that they will be always in the legal benefits packages such as five-day workweek, basic 4 insurance plan, retirement pension, annual vacation, baby break and maternity leave, general health examination